Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Story quilts

I just happened on an inspirational story about the Beloved Community Story Quilt Project  presented by Loop It Up Savannah of the West Broad Street YMCA.  Loop it Up Savannah is a community art program for children and this project brought together children with seniors and other family members to document stories and create quilts to tell the story of their community.  They are in the process of creating a book about the process and the project.  You can watch a video at

The Beloved Community Story Quilt Project was made use of the KickStarter fundraising platform.  Here is a description from their project site.
Over .... 8 months we [worked] with Seniors, children, international college students and Savannah locals of all ages on sitting down and opening up and sharing the stories of our neighborhoods.... stories were documented in writing and also in drawings, eventually we made some beautiful quilts that sum it all up-- good times and bad, food and where it comes from, childhood treasures, beloved family members and our ever- evolving neighborhoods.

Unfortunately, the fundraising site closed on Sept. 30 so I just missed that because I only stumbled on the site today.  Still, I think that this story is too good to not spread a little wider.  What a great idea and a wonderful way to save and share stories.  I'm wondering who I could partner with to get this going in my area --- hmmmmm, I am going to start working on a list right away.

I would love to hear about similar projects so if you know of any, please share information in the comment section.

That's it for today.  I think I will go work on a story quilt I'm designing.  But that is a story for another day.

Happy trails (or should I say, happy tales?).

Mary Elizabeth

There have been great societies that did not use the wheel, but there have been no societies that did not tell stories. — Ursula K. LeGuin

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